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The Adee Caz Blog.

Transforming a house into a home is a journey of creativity, sweat, and a little bit of magic. When we first walked through the front door of our home, it was love at first sight—but the mustard yellow walls and mismatched tiles had to go. Here’s how I turned our great room into the heart […]

I am learning how to DIY with absolutely ZERO experience. It feels scary and vulnerable to share this but also exhilarating and fun! After nearly a decade building businesses online both Michael and I have been craving a life off of our computers and being present in the “real” world. As our family grows and […]

Time to read: 5 minutes This past year has been filled with some of the hardest moments in my life. One after another, after another. There were many days I felt like it would never stop, and I wouldn’t be able to catch my breath. Work, family, health, finances, no matter the category it felt […]

Time to read: 7 minutes In August of 2022 we added a baby girl named Noa Chavanne to our family. For me, going from no children to one was filled with identity shifts, mourning a certain kind of freedom and an expanding of my capacity. Moving from one child to two has been a lot […]

Time to read: 10 minutes Before I became a mother anyone who knew me would describe me as hard working, someone with a high work capacity and very driven. I took pride in that description because my parents bragged about it, my friends tried to emulate it and some even envied me for it. Somewhere […]

Time to Read: 9 minutes When we were planning to start our family one thing that I really wanted to avoid was filling our house with all sorts of new “stuff” that we didn’t actually need. I had nightmares about walking into our house and seeing a tornado of toys, burp cloths and noise makers. […]

Michael and I were sitting at the Fairmont Hotel in Austin having a drink at their bar to kick off our date night – on this night Shai was with a babysitter. Date nights without a baby are sacred these days. The amount of time we have just the two of us has reduced dramatically […]

Time to read: 12 minutes Let me set the stage for you. It was a Saturday morning and we had some awesome plans later that day to hang out with our friends in the country and stay overnight. Michael had left for a wedding in Louisiana and planned to land in Austin just in time […]

Time to read: 7 minutes I was 6 months pregnant on a zoom call with co-workers talking about a date night that Michael had planned for us. One of the people on the call, already with a family of three, spoke up and half-jokingly said “enjoy it now because when the baby gets here date […]

Time to read: 12 minutes If there is anything in my life that I am really proud of, it is my marriage to Michael. I didn’t believe relationships like ours could exist – I thought that I would have to settle somewhere, that there would be unspoken tensions or that things would seem to be […]